The Old Harbor Inn Blog

The Old Harbor Inn began its life as the home and practice of Dr. Carroll Keene and his wife Harriet. There were three
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Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and stores around the globe are covered with red and pink cards, candy, flowers,
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For most people, asking the big question at the right time and choosing the right place to do it is almost as important as
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The new year is here and it’s time to set some New Year’s resolutions. You could set new goals at work, find better
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The New Year is fast approaching, and everyone is looking forward to the end of one of the most difficult years in history.
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Gift Cards have become more and more popular in recent years and the recipients can enjoy shopping at their favorite
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The Atlantic Spice Company is one of our favorite places to send guests when they ask for recommendations of things to
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There’s nothing better on a Monday morning at the Inn than the smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls. The mix of
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Chatham is well known for its breathtaking ocean views, luxury shops, and outstanding seafood, but did you know that the
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With cooler weather and many yummy fall fruits and vegetables available at farmers’ markets, we all can agree baking
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Fall is finally here, and we are already baking fall-inspired desserts and baked goods of all kinds. With cooler weather and
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Are you suffering from cabin fever and feeling like Bill Murray’s character in the movie “Groundhog Day”? We hear you
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